Title: Merry Christmas 2024

Description: Some recent Puyallup area experiences, trying to live in the real world, upcoming events in the community, and much more.

Published date: December 23, 2024

Episode number: 001

Show Notes for Podyallup Episode #1: Merry Christmas 2024

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"[If you turn off technology at a set time per day], immediately the quality of life will go up. Let's get around and talk and laugh. Maybe we'll go swim and make memories together. And the quality of life was immediately improved because we aren't properly aware of this tradeoff that technology companies have amde effortless for us. Whatever the device is in our pockets, it's not a phone. That's not what it is. What is it?... It's a $3 Trillion military grade disorientation device that makes certain people a lot of money at the cost of connection of humans that live together and close together. I'm not saying it's only that, or all the time that, but that's what I think it is right now."

- Greg Mckeown, author of Essentialism

"Almost every technology that has connected people who live apart has also created barriers between people who live close together.""

- Brad Smith, VP at Microsoft, Author

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